Monday 28 November 2011

Brighter Days in Brighton

It was three weeks ago we went trotting down Queens way, with 19kg backpacks, haggered messes, looking for a hostel in Hove. Seems like months ago. Now were trotting to a different pace, living life with a completely different mindset. Settling in, nesting, integrating ourselves into the UK.
Now that ALL of us have jobs, were getting into a routine. Its nice to be honest. Spontanous, adventures, globe trotting has been fun. But, I do believe my body apperciates the good nights rest.

Our jobs are lovely. Stef is loving Pho, shes moving up the server ranks fast. Constantly being apperciated for her incentive and charming service. Plus they love her. However, I have never met anyone who hasnt instantly fallen in love with her.

Christie as well is loving her place of employment. Her graceful personality works well in fine dining. Due to her hard work, shes getting some of the best hours and tips. Her co-workers also love her witty charm. Just last night, we went ice skating with her some of her fellow employees.

The ice rink is at the Royal Pavillion, this huge Taj Mahol looking castle in the heart of Brighton. Not as large as a Canadian rink, but an amazing view of the towering icon. Some of her new friends have never been on ice before. Coming from Bolviaria and the Dominican Republic, I understand the reason. Interesting to watch an adult learn to skate for the first time. Some wine and cheer, couple falls on the ice, it was a lovely Christmas activity that makes a girl feel kinda homesick. Great time nonetheless.

Giraffe is a job that was well worth the stress of unemployment. The small staff, teamworking, fast paced atmosphere is right up my alley. I love it. The tips are nice as well, not much, only 10 - 15pounds per shift....either way...more then I was expecting. After work, most of the staff enjoy a beer and a good chat. I can already tell Im going to make some good friends here. Especially Lucas, the polish gay manager who is full of life and enjoys my humor. Reminds me of my good polish friend Kasia from Swiss. Only the male version of her.

With more security in income, we've been able to enjoy some Brighton nightlife. Fortunatly, our friends from upstairs are kind enough to show us around. The clubs are pretty pumping....young though. Im sure we'll find our favorite spot soon enough though.

Its been amazing having friends the flat above. Especially when they have wifi and lend us their password. BOO YAH! Now our flat is complete with internet connection. Makes skyping with the parents more enjoyable. Not having to sit at starbucks with shotty wifi, yelling over the back ground noise with eveyone looking at you funny.

We have also acomplsihed orientating ourselves around Brighton. We know were to buy groceries, banking, get to work and even the quickest way to the seafront. Really starting to feel like a local.

On my day off, I went exploring. The Brighton pier is a famous staple of Sussex history. Seen from almost any part of the seafront. The pier is open all year round, offering everything from arcade games to fish and chips with beer to amusement rides. Lively place, even at the end of November.
Just next to the pier is the ferris wheel. Large and beautiful, I imagine the view from on top is breathtaking. Price wise it is out of the budget for day though.

My favorite part is the birds. Overlooking the pier, you get a wonderful view of the waves crashing against the pebble shoreline. Above, is hundreds of sparrows that are grouped together flying back and forth to the movement of the sea. It was such a unquie experience. I have no clue as to what the purpose was behind these sparrows....but I did enjoy the opportunity to watch.

Trisha, (Stefs sister) skyped last night with wonderful news. Her papers are in the process and after one last appointment she will be able to join us in a couple of weeks. She will be bunking with me. Litterally....the room is tight so to fit two beds were getting a bunk bed. I do love a bunk bed slumber party! It will be nice to have another girl in the house...someone with new stories. Just dont tell our landlord, we didnt mention the extra body. Oops.

Last night, we came to vastly apperciate technology as we know it today. After a Bad Boy 2 movie session, facebook blew up with news of the looming fire coming towards Lethbridge. We were able to facebook friends, strem Country 95.5 for local news, even skype my family to see that everything and everyone was ok. Being so far from home, its horrible to hear that your hometown is in danger. However, technology is so amazing....I knew about the fire before my mother.

Skype is by far my lifesaver. Being able to see and talk face to face with my family eases the pain of being away. As well, its good to catch up with old friends. This morning us girls were lucky enough to meet Cheryl and Jess baby boy Ethan. After months of Wing Wednesdays, watching Cheryl grow this precious child....we got to meet him. Not quite as good as being able to hold him....but its better then nothing. It was also amazing to see that Cheryl, while a new mom....looked incredible. I have bags under my eyes, and shes a model....even though it was 6 in the morning at the time! Motherhood agrees with this lady.

Life in Brighton is filled with new experiences and new friends. We made the right choice moving here and making it our home. As well, Christie's mom is coming this Friday. It will be nice to have a mom around. Till next time, Cheers.


  1. Karina. I read this post forever ago, and wanted to tell you how much it meant to me. Thank you so much for your kind words! You are a wonderful friend. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Love and miss you all.
