Wednesday 26 October 2011

Rugby Love

The next morning we got up early to make sure we were on time for the Rugby game. David from Scotland and Erin from Canada decided to come with us. Thank goodness David came....we was able to explain the whole game to us. Around 10am it started, it was then with a coffee in hand the love affair started. It was New Zealand against Australia. Rival teams with alot of the line. Who ever wins this match goes to the finals.

Rugby is clearly a mans game. These guys are huge....their thighs alone were tree trunks. And how they would viciously pound their componant to the ground. Incredible. There was also alot more to it then I previously thought. There is much talent in being able to pass the ball backwards, and the games to play to score points. Best part? Unluck many sports I found it fast paced and exciting to watch. Its incredible the amount of blood and little padding they wear. The make American Football players look like children.

Sidenote: Europeans get a huge kick out of making fun of American Football. First, the go on about how girly they are with all their padding and fancy little game plays. Second, they can not get over the stupidity of naming a sport Football when there is only ONE point in the game where someones foot touches the ball. Thankfully, they dont make fun of Hockey. Just that Canadians play it....and not as many countries play hockey as they do football or rugby.

After the exictment of the match, us girls and Erin decided to go to the Aquarium. The aquarium was quite large with many different species of fish and other sea eels, sea horses and sting rays. There was also a clear tunnel you would walk though with sharks swimming above. We spent a couple of hours there, like children discovering a new world. Its just nice to get back to being a kid...realizing how small you really are.

After a nice day at the aquriam we thought it apporiate to get some tapas...and seafood. Is that weird? You spend the day at the aquarium and you crave seafood? We found a nice patio on the Port Olymipic. Our waiter was a hoot, really got a kick out of our pleases and thank yous and constantly saying we are sorry. Sidenote: Us Canadians say Sorry ALOT. You dont really notice it, till the locals start repeating it back to you with a mocking tone. Whatever, at least I care to be polite. As well, he also gave us two rounds of champagne.

Dinner was swell...having Erin there was a real treat. Here was a new person to tell our stories to and someone to tell us her tales as well. Shes an awesome girl and we throughly enjoyed her company. After dinner we went back to the hostel and decided to go to the beach. Scotland and Erin's classmate decided to come, so we all bundled up, grabbed some beers and headed to the beach. Spending the night on the beach was awesome. We sat, drank, shared stories, and watched the waves crash along the shore line. After we ended with our favorite traditional food...kebab. I can't think of a better way to spend your last night in Barcelona.

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