Thursday 6 October 2011

Make a Wish

      Rome was not built in one day. Therefore...we do not have to see ALL the sights in one day. We slept in, made a lesuirely breakfast, and took our time getting ready. We are here for seven nights...there is no need to rush it.

         Today we decided to go to the Fountain di Trevi. It was a bit a travel from our place so we took the Metro. Theres only two lines in Rome so it was a breeze to get to. To be honest, I did not know much about the Fountain di Trevi...but stef being the movie goer out of the three of us...knew excatly what to look for. Once there, Im glad we came. Here was this imaculate fountain the size of a building. Tritain men, mermaids and horses. The best throw a coin into the fountain and true love will find you. It was a nice all three of us girls secretly hoped would come true.
Side note about Italian men. When coming to Rome be prepared for the looks. Men here no matter what their profession or age with literally stop mid conversation to look you up and down, mumble some comment and carry on. And no its not because we are vain and believe it must be just us. Its every woman....young, old, short, skinny, tall, heavy. You name it. After awhile, you just ignore it....still makes you uncormfortable when the 80 year old man with cataracts squints just to get a view.

         That night we were having Rachel and Frances over for wine and appys. ( the girls from the other hostel) We got some cheap wine (1 euro a bottle), cheese and some meat. It was so cool that here we were in Rome having friends over for wine. It was a wonderful night spent on the terrance. Played cards and talked the night away. Later on, we headed to the Spanish Steps. Frances knew the way so we just had to follow.

         The Spanish steps is this area with busling people around it. At the bottom of the steps is a square with a large fountain and any type of knock off purse you could ask for. And stairs......lots and lots of stairs. However, its so beautiful you dont even mind climbing to see the view. It was a long walk back, for the walk there was down one of the seven hills Rome has to offer....the walk back was uphill. Ass of Steel

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